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About Dawn PARRY

Dawn PARRY, a Fuel Decontamination

Consultant, works to rid transport of

C02 emissions and particle toxins. She

also created  the first Solar Powered

Backpacks in 2003, ensuring students

could travel safely  with a phone

charge on tap. From the funds

generated she also sends her

backpacks to poverty stricken Africans

and pays for literacy lessons for adult

West African women. Dawn is a

successful entrepreneur and

businesswoman and works within the

field of TV production, broadcasting

and radio. She lives in the adjoining ward of Congresbury and Puxton in

Banwell where she is a Parish Cllr and Vice Chair of Planning .  In 2007 as a

NSC Cllr, Dawn was Children's Champion for 'looked after' children, was part

of the team creating the 'Virtual Schools Program' and Vice Chair of Children

and Young People's Services. "I am constantly driven and I want our village

communities to thrive. I'll do whatever it takes to protect our green fields

from Boris Johnson's silly  house-

building quota forced on us by his

failed algorithm." Dawn is married to John,

Head of Maths at nearby Sidcot


Dawn is an 

Dawn PARRY lives on the border of Puxton and Banwell

and is a Banwell Parish Cllr. She cares deeply about our 
local communities and campaigns 
both locally and nationally on issues 
affecting the welfare of people's 
lives. "I cannot tolerate injustice on 
any scale and will always use my 
platform in work and life to 
champion a deserving cause." Dawn 
has campaigned for Siroptimist 
International, as a Cllr in 2007-2011 
she pushed forward electronic 
school meal payments across North 
Somerset ensuring no child was 
identifiable as getting free school 
meals, was steering the NSC 

committee to start recycling all 
waste including food waste, found 
over £1.4 Million in unclaimed Pupil 
Premium funding for NSC schools by 
making it less embarrassing for 
parents to come forward with their 
change of circumstances. Dawn has 
successfully fought several planning 
appeals with the Inspectorate. Dawn 
has served as Children's Champion 
for 'looked after' children, Co-
created the 'Virtual Schools 
Program', Vice Chair Children & 
Young People's Services among 
much more.

Why Don't Our Local MPs Represent Us on Housing Here?

Central government has rushed through a housing 
policy based on a failed algorithm. It is forcing vast 
numbers of homes to be built in and around our 
villages. The developments are inappropriate, 
unsustainable, expensive and not built where they’re 
needed or wanted. The demand is from Bristol. We are 
being exploited by developers and central government 
to give up our greenbelt, our clean air, our precious 
delicate eco-systems, protected wildlife and our rural 
village identities.
We have two Conservative MPs covering North 
Somerset yet they have been completely ineffective in 
looking after our local interests. It is their government 
who has placed us in this situation. They talk the talk 
about achieving Climate Emergency targets but there 
is no Passive Housing policy restricting developers to 
build only super high energy-efficient homes that are 
cheap to heat. And they are impotent in their 
protection of our environmen. I will be vociferous in 
my campaigning as your Cllr to stop all over-
development here. I will call for smaller, sympathetic 
developments with strict energy-efficiency criteria 
complying with Passive Housing technology in areas 
they're needed. And here's something that I believe to be sensible, sustainable, will easily create housing where it's wanted and that will breathe life back into Bristol where the restaurants, cafes, food outlets, bars and pubs have suffered terribly over lockdown - it may sound radical, but how about we turn all those empty offices in the City of Bristol into lovely affordable apartments and maisonettes to provide housing where many young people especially, want to live and where there is employment and great infrastructure and public transport? 

Just a common sense thought... 

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