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Dawn PARRY Says "NO!" To Bristol Airport Expansion.

It's not only Dawn saying NO to Bristol Airport expansion. It's everyone who lives in the surrounding areas, including Bristol. It's even the members of the Canadian Teachers' Pension fund that owns Bristol Airport who don't want it expanded. The scientists have evidenced that the C02 emissions have been hugely underestimated over the recent years and we cannot even begin to cope with the extra traffic on the single carriageway. We cannot allow our precious greenbelt to be built over to provide thousands more parking spaces for an airport that's been built in a completely inappropriate area to start with, let alone comply with it's further unsustainable expansion just for the sake of it's aggressive financially motivated fund owners.  

NO To Bristol Airport Expansion !

Is this govt serious about our health & Climate Change? 

Bristol Airport Public Enquiry Begins...

When I first discovered Bristol Airport was 
owned by Canadian Ontario Teachers' 
Pension Fund I felt outraged that we weren't 
being listened to. Even the teachers in that 
fund stand in solidarity with us -  they too 
don't want the expansion! We cannot be run 
roughshod over in this way without regard 
for our very real and evidenced concerns. 
Increased air pollution has been 
underestimated. We don'thave the 
infrastructure to support further traffic. We 
cannot allow our greenbelt built over for 
parking - it's protected for a reason. Noise 
and light pollution will also increase further 
damage to us and our wildlife with flights 
going out 24/7. This is not of any benefit to 
us yet we are the community stakeholders, 
paying to live in our cherished villages. 
Whether you vote for me or not, I will be 
defending our position.

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I want those in power to make decisions affecting our environment to act more responsibly. My vision for our future is one where every part of governance must genuinely comply with true sustainability. Buildings. Transport. Manufacturing. Everything. I want clean air for future generations.

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